Ashmakh Petrolink Oil & Gas Services


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Crude & Product Oil Trading, Deep Liquidity & Fast Execution.

Crude oil is a raw natural resource that is extracted from the earth and refined into products such as gasoline, jet fuel, and other petroleum products. It is composed of hydrocarbon deposits and other organic materials that were formed from the remains of animals and plants that lived millions of years ago. Petroleum is a more general word that refers to crude oil, the raw oil that is extracted out of the ground, and other products formed from refined crude oil. Crude oil is a global commodity that trades in markets around the world, both as spot oil and via derivatives contracts. Many economists view crude oil as the single most important commodity in the world, as it is currently the primary source of energy production.

Oil Well Chemical & Laboratory & Factory Chemical Trading.​

Our integrated chemistry technologies and services support your asset integrity and flow assurance objectives across your oil and gas operations—upstream, midstream, or downstream—regardless of complexity or geography. Experienced teams of specialists work with you to identify the root cause of your concerns and develop targeted, value-driven integrated strategies that anticipate, address, and decisively remedy complex production issues. We work with you—using production chemistry, processing and separation technologies, services, and data-driven automation processes—to deliver differentiated technical solutions that enhance your experience and improve your business performance.

Oil Filed Equipment & Facilities & Supply & Services.​

All services associated with the oil and gas exploration and production process. We help drilling companies by setting up oil and gas wells. Detailed tracking, analysis and forecast of demand, supply, suppliers, category costs and the impact of key cost drivers Enables better sourcing/procurement decisions, more predictable project deliveries and bottom-line cost savings by identifying supply bottlenecks and opportunities Better supplier relationship management for Operators and market/competitive intelligence for vendors

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